Thank you for submitting KRUSING AMERICA to Maverick Movie Awards! This notification means your movie has met the criteria for acceptance into our 2015 Maverick Movie Awards review process.
We watch each movie front to back, examining the details and weighing the merits of each of them with great care. First, each entry as an example of its genre executed both creatively and technically; then as part of the entire group of movies we accepted this year, paring them all down to the final list of nominations and then finally one winner in each category.
Our work intensive review process is a responsibility we've enjoyed the privilege of performing over the past 12 years. We're honored to have front row seats in the discovery of the talent and trends making waves in the industry as you all deliver great stories and entertainment to the rest of the world.
Due to the outstanding response and quality of this year's entries, we've decided to take a couple of extra weeks for review. Trust us when we say this is an amazing year of true independent cinema with mind blowing results and we thank you for your patience while we sift through each entry's unique qualities.
Our movie awards nominations will be announced on October 5th with award winners to shortly follow on October 15th. These acknowledgements will be posted on our website, maverickmovieawards.com
Needless to say, no matter how it shakes out, you finished your movie and got it out there into the world. That right there is where a dream is made real and you've accomplished what many only talk about. We are flattered to be a part of your legacy and honored you are a part of ours.
Team MMA
Maverick Movie Awards

The Maverick Movie Awards exists to honor all facets of moviemaking form, function, style, and craft. A level playing-field where a movie’s budget is immaterial, its absence or abundance of star power is inconsequential, and its humble or lofty origins are irrelevant, any and all independent, underground, student and studio films are eligible to receive a Maverick Award.
Celebrating narratives, documentaries, experimental films, and the vast diversity of moving pictures expression, the MMA has recognized everything from big-budget pictures to low-budget indies, global issue documentaries, screwball comedies, computer-animated movies, action-horror flicks, video art, microcinema, music videos, webisodes, and everything in-between.
Each movie’s successful execution of intent as a whole, on its own terms, is considered first and then the quality of its parts. So except for advertising and industrial work, all motion picture creators are encouraged to submit to our intensive review process. As a cooperative of moviemakers honoring moviemakers with no screening events to organize and therefore distract us from our mission - nor jeopardize premiere status for any other competition or festival submission - we're ready to recognize and laud your work as a true maverick.
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