I met Norma T. Hollis at a Women's Information Network (WIN) Event. She is a brilliant speaker and a powerful women, perfect for my Women on Wednesday blog post.
Welcome to "Genuine Authenticity"- This blog post will hopefully help you uncover your authentic voice and live a genuinely authentic life.

The question I have been asked most frequently in the past three months is "How do you do it?"When I inquire what people mean by the question, the answer revolves around resiliency and strength in the time of tragedy.
I've pondered the answer to this in multiple ways. The bottom line is my belief that God prepares each of us for the challenges we face in life. With this belief I ask myself how I have been prepared to deal with Robert's death and the answer screams at me.
It's decades of studying authenticity and what it means to live an authentic life.
It's coaching hundreds of people and seeing how being authentic strengthens them.
It's recognizing my vulnerabilities and filling gaps in spite of the grief.
It's understanding and living with authenticity.
It's a deep level of self-awareness.
And it's a deep belief that God is in control no matter how it may appear.
Each week I speak with a counselor who helps me channel my grief and maintain my focus. At one point she gave me a handout that described ways people react to sudden tragedy. There were ten reactions that were listed and the first nine of them related to anger, grief, regret and a number of other negative emotions. The tenth one got my attention. It referred to people who gain a deeper spiritual awareness in spite of, or maybe because of, tragedy.
So while people ask me how I do it, I'm asking the question "what's the deeper meaning?"
According to research I have been examining this year, what is missing in the lives of many people is deeper meaning. People seem to avidly seek the financial rewards of life without examining the spiritual rewards of deeper faith and understanding of life. Deep spiritual awareness comes from examining deeper meanings and this often comes from tragedy and challenges in life.
I've had a lot of years of facing and overcoming challenges. One way I have done this is referring to the biblical verse "lean not on your own understanding". If I believe that God is in control then I also have to believe that each thing that happens in my life has meaning that I should pay attention to.
My work with authenticity is aligned with a deep spiritual belief that has driven my life. It's the reason why I have resiliency and how I answer the question of how do I do it. I do it because I know that God is in control. I do it because of my deep belief that this life is just a short time in the lifetime of my soul. I do it because I believe that Robert is not gone, only on vacation and I will be with his spirit again. I do it because I wonder, maybe I'm the one on vacation and I will return home soon. I do it because it has worked on my journey so far so why change. I do it because I like God being in control.
How do you maintain resiliency? How do you step into authenticity in times of challenge? What do you do to fill the gaps of your vulnerabilities? How do you stay strong?
I will be addressing these questions in future weeks. I have learned so much in the past few months and my life journey has hit a fork in the road. As I navigate my way around the bend I will be sharing more about deeper meaning and how to surrender to allowing God to be fully in control.
It's the only way I know how to live. How about you?
With Love and Authenticity,
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